How many Utahns participated in 2012?


How many are in for 2013?


Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Resolve to Be Ready

So, we're in a new year.

It's full of promise, wonder and the unknown. Many Utahns are thinking about how they want to improve themselves. They may try to lose weight, finally start that novel they've been talking about for three years, build that shed or take up a new hobby.
Here's another idea: Why not resolve to be ready in 2012? Ready for what? Disaster.
Across the nation in 2011, we saw winter storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and earthquakes. Since late 2010, Utah has had two flooding events that led to Presidential Disaster Declarations. The Dec. 1 windstorm that struck Davis County knocked out power and overturned semitrailers. Since last week, Utah has registered 11 tiny earthquakes. We expect hundreds of small earthquakes to occur in Utah each year and we're overdue for the "Big One."

Why not resolve now to prepare yourself and your family to survive a disaster? There are simple steps you can take. Start by clicking around to learn preparedness tips in the following areas.
  • Make a plan - What should you do in an earthquake? What if you have to evacuate your home?
  • Get a kit - Learn about what should go into a kit you can grab if you have to flee.
  • Be informed....
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