How many Utahns participated in 2012?


How many are in for 2013?


Saturday, December 31, 2011

It’s almost the New Year! Don’t drop the ball, Resolve to be Ready in 2012 ImPrepared

Friday, December 30, 2011

There's one more day left in the year. What have you resolved? Resolve to be ready for disaster in 2012
Resolve to buy 2 or 3 canned goods when they’re on sale. Slowly stock up your food storage w/out breaking your budget ImPrepared
MAKE A PLAN: Time with family & friends is great during holidays. Resolve to let them know if they’re part of your emergency contact list
What items in your home use batteries? Resolve to start a list of those items, along with the number//type of batteries required

Thursday, December 29, 2011

GET A KIT: Resolve to include copies of important documents (SS cards, medical cards, etc.) in a watertight bag, ImPrepared
BE INFORMED: Have an electric garage door opener? Resolve to learn how to operate it in case your power goes out
GET A KIT: Resolve in 2012 to keep cash in your emergency kit. ATMs may not work in a disaster ImPrepared
MAKE A PLAN: Resolve to help your office get prepared. Start by going to ImPrepared
Four steps to a happy and safe new year (via @slcpd)
GET INVOLVED: Resolve to register for the Great @UtahShakeOut We'd do it for you but we don't know your name.
VIDEO: What if disaster turns your world upside down? resolve to be ready in 2012 ImPrepared
GET INVOLVED: Did you resolve to get preparedness training in the New Year? Find out how at @utcitizencorps ImPrepared

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

BE INFORMED: Water emergencies can cause damage when H2O freezes in pipes. Resolve to learn how to shut off water valves
GET A KIT: Resolve to set aside a little $$ each week for family emergency supplies, a little money goesa long way! ImPrepared
Also, use ImPrepared to tell us what you're doing in your Resolve to be ready for disaster in 2012
MAKE A PLAN: If you do, you’ll be able to respond with less stress or worry during an
emergency. Resolve to Be Ready in 2012 ImPrepared
GET INVOLVED: It's not too late to resolve to be ready. How will you prepare for disaster in 2012? ImPrepared
Working on what to resolve in 2012? Resolve to be ready ImPrepared

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas! Share the preparedness items you got this year. Send pics for our photo gallery to whatsinyourkit
Merry Christmas! Hope Santa brought you lots of preparedness. If not, you can return the socks/get something for your kit whatsinyourkit

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Share your favorite preparedness item you get this year. We'll set up a photo gallery of your pics whatsinyourkit

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Commuters, now that you've had a few minutes to think about whatsinyourkit Carry extra water, cash and a mylar blanket. @RideUTA
Attention commuters! What if you get stranded at work and have to walk home when mass transit is down? whatsinyourkit Answer in 5
GET INVOLVED: Do one thing today, anything, that will help you prepare. Then share on FB or Twitter or by emailing at
RT @UtahShakeOut Also @herrimancity @drapercity @midvalecity have signed up at Is your city on the list? 4/17/12
BE INFORMED: Do you know what conditions are like outside? Follow @NWSSaltLakeCity and @udottraffic as well as your favorite media outlet.
So, apparently Christmas is creeping up on us. Our last-minute gift ideas: utility tool, LED headlamp. More later.
GET A KIT: Commuters, now that you've had a few minutes to think about whatsinyourkit Carry extra water, cash and a mylar blanket.
GET A KIT: Attention commuters! What if you get stranded at work and have to walk home when mass transit is down? whatsinyourkit

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

RT Also participating in the 4/17/12 shakeout is @Walgreens in Draper @RideUTA and 951 families. Are you in?
MAKE A PLAN: Download our Guide to Personal and Family Preparedness It's good.
GET INVOLVED: Christmas gift idea No. 3: Hand-crank or battery-powered radios
BE INFORMED: If you're driving in winter conditions, Slow down, Allow extra braking distance, Don't tailgate, Give @utahdot plows room
RT @utahshakeout: More than 400,000 Utahns will drop/cover/hold on during the 4/17/12 shakeout, including @UDOTTRAFFIC & @eBay Draper
GET A KIT: Create your family's emergency kit with specific needs in mind: Watar and food for pets? Dietary needs for Grandma? Medicine?
MAKE A PLAN: Keeping food safe in an emergency More tips at

Monday, December 19, 2011

GET INVOLVED: Christmas gift idea No. 2: Fire extinguishers and/or smoke/CO2 detectors
BE INFORMED: Monitor driving conditions before you head out or with the @utahDOT UDOT Traffic app.
GET A KIT: Tell us whatsinyourkit. Here's an idea: Coloring books or favorite toys for children.
MAKE A PLAN: Picnic coolers and frozen gel packs are great for keeping food cold if the power goes out for an extended period of time.
GET INVOLVED: Holiday tip: cook up some hot chocolate and some scones, or whatever, and plan with your neighbors to take a @utahcert course

Thursday, December 15, 2011

BE INFORMED: Frostbite symptoms = a loss of feeling + a white or pale appearance in extremities. Get help immediately.
GET A KIT: Tell us whatsinyourkit. Mine? Waterproof matches.
MAKE A PLAN: If you have to travel in winter weather, leave early and let someone know your itinerary. But best avoid that travel.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

GET INVOLVED: Maybe your Christmas gifts to neighbors could be preparedness products: a whistle, a flashlight w/ batteries, etc.
BE INFORMED: Winter is just ramping up. 70 percent of fatalities related to ice and snow happen in automobiles. utwx Be safe.
GET A KIT: Tell us whatsinyourkit. Mine? Tylenol or other pain reducer. An earthquake causes serious headaches.

Monday, December 12, 2011

MAKE A PLAN: Emergency plans aren't just for families, but for businesses, schools, communities and government. Plan now to survive.
GET A KIT: Tell us whatsinyourkit. Mine? Hand sanitizer in case there's no water for handwashing
MAKE A PLAN: If you don't have earthquake insurance, it's something to think about. Your standard insurance doesn't cover EQ damage.

Thursday, December 08, 2011

rt @UtahShakeOut Aren't there 300,000 more Utahns who will do an earthquake drill with us 4/17/12? Sign up at
Are you signed up? Just saw @parkcityschools and @usuartmuseum are part of the 407,000 Utahns in April's Great @UtahShakeOut

Sunday, December 04, 2011

Please look out for your neighbors who don't have electricity tonight. utwind Remember not to bring combustibles into your home.

Friday, December 02, 2011

MAKE A PLAN: Yesterday's utwind is a good reminder to prepare for power outages. Tip 1: Flashlights and batteries. More:

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

BE INFORMED: If you haven't signed up for the Great @UtahShakeOut, what are you waiting for?
GET A KIT: Tell us whatsinyourkit. Mine? Skittles for morale.
MAKE A PLAN: You remember that Drop, Cover and Hold on is still the best practice in an earthquake, right?

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Since you're not going to be looking here tomorrow, we'll take this opportunity to say we're thankful we've had time to prepare for disaster

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

GET INVOLVED: Check out the courses offered by @utahredcross Youth and adult classes available!
BE INFORMED: I'm pretty sure flu season is approaching. Take steps to prepare your family, school or business from spreading germs.

Monday, November 21, 2011

GET A KIT: Tell us whatsinyourkit Mine? Mouthwash in case there isn't water for brushing teeth.
MAKE A PLAN: For businesses - We offer a 12-point program to help keep your doors open after an emergency. @saltlakechamber
GET INVOLVED: There are @utahcert programs all over the state. Call your local fire department to see if there's one in your community.
BE INFORMED: Your food storage won't last forever. Make sure that you rotate your food storage into your diet and replace what you eat.
GET A KIT: Tell us whatsinyourkit Mine? Beef jerky...Teriyaki beef jerky (Homer Simpson drool sound: Grahhhhhhhggggg)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

MAKE A PLAN: Keep your gas tank at half or higher. I know it sounds annoying, but statistics show you can drive farther on a full tank.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

GET INVOLVED: Ever considered volunteering at your local police dept? VIPS may be right for you @utcitizencorps
BE INFORMED: Make sure you're following @UtahShakeOut to see who's joined the state's largest earthquake drill ever. Are you signed up?
Now with 396,425 participants in April's Great @UtahShakeOut, thanks to @Sephora (Salt Lake) and @Walgreens (Provo and SSprings)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

GET A KIT: A Swiss Army knife. Like MacGyver. Just like him. whatsinyourkit
MAKE A PLAN: Who is your out-of-state contact? Family members can call to report they're safe.
GET INVOLVED: Don't miss out on excellent @utahcert training in your community to help your neighbors in an emergency.
BE INFORMED: We prepared daily for earthquakes, but you need to prepare for this winter season, too
GET A KIT: Enough water for three days whatsinyourkit

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Also, Utahns can sign up for the Great @UtahShakeOut and practice emergency prep as a state on 4/17/12 see
Even the small utquake near Orangeville is a reminder that utah is earthquake country. Learn how to prepare at
Remember, today at noon is the first nationwide EAS test. You might miss 30 seconds of TV or radio today.

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Just a reminder: tomorrow at noon MST is the first nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System from @fema. Don't stress. It's just a test.

Saturday, November 05, 2011

An 4.7 magnitude earthquake in oklahoma this morning. Be prepared. Tips: okquake

Friday, November 04, 2011

GET A KIT: Tell us whatsinyourkit for when there's no electricity: Me? A hand-crank flashlight.
Let's reach 700,000! RT @utahshakeout Join the 394,000 Utahns who will drop, cover and hold on 4/17/12 shakeout
Make sure to follow @utahshakeout to see who is participating in next year's shakeout on 4/17/12. Are you signed up?
MAKE A PLAN: Only 14 percent of homeowners in Utah have earthquake insurance. That statistic makes me want to cry.

Thursday, November 03, 2011

To be clear, the first national EAS test is 2 p.m. EASTERN on Nov. 9. You'll hear/see it on radio, TV and cable.
If you haven't heard yet, @FEMA will do the first-ever nationwide test of the emergency alert system on Nov. 9 at 2 p.m. Eastern.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Sure, halloween is scary. Want to see something really scary? It's time to prepare. Really.

Friday, October 28, 2011

GET INVOLVED: Don't just do winterprep for yourself. Make sure to tell your kids, tell your wife... And tell your husband.
BE INFORMED: Don't get caught in the cold. See our winterprep news release here:
GET A KIT: For winterprep week, whatsinyourkit How about a manual can opener for all of that canned food?
MAKE A PLAN: In case you forgot, it's still winterprep week. One of your plans should be to follow @NWSSaltLakeCity for weather updates

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

GET INVOLVED: Learn how to help your neighbors in an emergency by joining @utcitizencorps: winterprep
BE INFORMED: During winterprep week, we want you to remember that 70 percent of fatalities that occur in ice or snow happen in vehicles.
GET A KIT: Tell us whatsinyourkit for winterprep week: battery-powered radio with batteries. More ideas here:
MAKE A PLAN: If traveling in winter weather, let someone know your itinerary. More tips here: utwx winterprep
GET INVOLVED: Share the @utahredcross preparedness checklist with your family and neighbors: utwx WinterPrep
In case you missed it, this is Winter Weather Preparedness Week Find out what you can do to prepare. utwx winterprep

Monday, October 24, 2011

BE INFORMED: This is Winter Weather Preparedness Week. It may feel like fall, but don't wait to get ready. utwx

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Great California @ShakeOut is happening now. We can't wait to test Utah's preparedness during our own shakeout 4/17/12

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Tomorrow, 8.5 million Californians will drop/cover/hold on during the @ShakeOut. utah will do the same thing 4/17/12 shakeout

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

GET A KIT: Remember to plan for extra food for your pets in case you have to evacuate. More tips at
GET INVOLVED: Do you have medical training? Medical Reserve Corps may be your chance to volunteer @utcitizencorps
BE INFORMED: Even though we're still thinking about the springtime flooding, it's time to make sure you're prepared for winter weather.
GET A KIT: It's OK to add some comfort food to your emergency kit. What would you add? Me? Starbursts and beef jerky whatsinyourkit
MAKE A PLAN: Sure you've made that emergency plan for your family or business. But have you practiced? Even short drills can teach a lot.

Monday, October 17, 2011

GET INVOLVED: Want to volunteer with local law enforcement? Find a VIPS program. More info here: @utcitizencorps
OK, let's just not have an earthquake. But in case Mother Nature has other ideas, visit to get prepared

Thursday, October 13, 2011

GET INVOLVED: Video link. Utah: Preparedness Now on YouTube and Vimeo if you're into it instead
BE INFORMED: Do you know what to do if you have to evacuate? Lock your home and take your pets with you. More tips here:
GET A KIT: Don't forget first aid for your pet:
MAKE A PLAN: Download a family emergency plan you can fill out has more tips.
GET INVOLVED: Don't forget to sign up for the Great @UtahShakeOut on 4/17/12. Drop, cover, hold on. utah shakeout
BE INFORMED: An earthquake could cause a power outage lasting days, a week or longer. What would that mean for you?

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Is your school/district having an earthquake drill 4/17/11? @graniteschools @jordandistrict @nebodistrict @alpineschools are. @utahshakeout

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Have you secured your water heater to the studs? Find out more tips here:

Monday, October 03, 2011

Utah: Preparedness Now on @Kslcom Watch it on your own and share:
What's in your kit? Think about some comfort food. A copy of the family emergency plan and a hand-crank radio. beready @Kslcom
It's just over 6 months to the Great utahshakeout. @bereadyryan is going on @Kslcom to talk emergency prep in a couple of minutes

Friday, September 30, 2011

National Preparedness Month ends today. But we live and breathe it every day. Tons of tips at NPM11
Are you? MT @utahshakeout: More than 1/2 way to 700,000 Utahns doing earthquake drill 4/17/12! Are you in? NPM11

Thursday, September 29, 2011

GET A KIT: Where are your important documents? Make copies and include one in a waterproof container in your kit NPM11
MAKE A PLAN: Do you have a designated family meeting place? Identify two alternates, as well. NPM11
GET INVOLVED: Learn how to save a life. Emergency Preparedness at Work NPM11
BE INFORMED: Utah is currently working two presidential disaster declarations for flooding: So. Utah in 2010 and everywhere else in 2011
GET A KIT: Generators are expensive, but they can run essential items in your home after a disaster. Something to think about NPM11
MAKE A PLAN: If you or a loved one requires equipment, medication or devices, such as oxygen or a wheelchair, plan for a backup NPM11
GET INVOLVED: Did you know that cash donations are often the best way to help disaster recovery? Donate money and not stuff NPM11
BE INFORMED: An earthquake would be the most devastating disaster in Utah, but floods and fires are more common. Know your risks NPM11
National Preparedness Month ends tomorrow, but your preparedness activities needn't end. Use NPM11 to tell us what you're doing to be ready

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

GET A KIT: Make sure to have a battery-operated or hand-crank radio in your kit. More items can be found: NPM11
MAKE A PLAN: MT @emergium: A plan on the shelf does not make a company prepared. Exercising the plan often does. NPM11
GET INVOLVED: Besides @utahcert, you can join Fire Corps, VIPS, Medical Reserve Corps or USA on Watch. NPM11
BE INFORMED: An earthquake in Utah would be something like this: NPM11
GET A KIT: Don't plan on buying food after an earthquake. Have enough food in your kit to last three days NPM11
MAKE A PLAN: 12 steps to preparedness here: You can do it NPM11
GET INVOLVED: Join the Great @utahshakeout 4/17/12 @ 10:15 am -- The largest earthquake drill in Utah NPM11
@zionsbank Sure thing. Financial preparedness is part of emergency preparedness. We like what you're doing with SWSM
Our advice: Keep some cash at home before a disaster. Follow @zionsbank: Live tweets from the Smart Women, Smart Money Conference swsm
BE INFORMED: An earthquake can knock out power for days, a week or longer. How to plan for extended outages: NPM11

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Glad you did! MT @aquamiratech: Signed up for the @UtahShakeOut We encourage other Utah biz and families to do the same! NPM11 shakeout

Monday, September 26, 2011

GET A KIT: Have an emergency kit at home at work and in your car. You never know where disaster will strike. NPM11
GET INVOLVED: In a disaster, neighbors have to help neighbors. Why not get properly trained now by joining a @utahcert team? NPM11
BE INFORMED: While we wait for the next flood season, this is a good time to consider flood insurance. Check out NPM11
GET A KIT: Don't count on your electric can opener in a disaster. Make sure to have a manual one. More tips at @NPM11

Monday, September 19, 2011

MAKE A PLAN: Install smoke detectors on each level of your home and teach everyone where the fire extinguisher is and how to use it. NPM11
BE INFORMED: In an earthquake Drop, Cover and Hold on is still the best way to protect yourself: More at NPM11
GET INVOLVED: @utahcert is one way, check out your other @utcitizencorps involvement options at NPM11
BE INFORMED: If Utah ever has a major earthquake, expect many aftershocks, some large, some small. NPM11
GET A KIT: Do you have kids? Make sure to include some activities (books, puzzles, games) in your kit. More at NPM11
MAKE A PLAN/GET INVOLVED: Do both by joining the Great @UtahShakeOut 4/17/11 sign up at NPM11
MAKE A PLAN: Part of that is figuring out two escape routes from each room in your home. More at NPM11
Are ye ready? I be preparrred. tlapd npm11 It be National Preparedness Month and Talk Like a Pirate Day

Thursday, September 15, 2011

How have you planned for emergencies for your loved ones with special, access or functional needs? Let us know at npm
Still not feeling motivated to prepare? This video should help you: npm utah
Two @utahcert teams have signed up to shakeout 4/17/12 Get involved in CERT or Citizen Corps:
Good on you! MT @slvhealthdept: 72-hour kit. One at home& work. nonperishable food, h20, blanket, med supply NPM
Make a plan, get a kit, be informed, get involved: It's National Preparedness Month. npm
Your district in this list? Granite, Jordan, San Juan, South Summit, Provo City, Nebo, Tooele County, Alpine will shakeout 4/17/12

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A pet tip for National Preparedness Month: If you have to evacuate, please take your pets. More tips here: npm
For National Preparedness Month, tell us your stories and we'll help others learn here: Together we prepare. npm
It's National Preparedness Month. How have you planned for your pets? They need at least a 72-hour kit, too. npm
Please still have your @hometownvalues magazine from September. Open it up and pull out and keep our new preparedness guide npm
Your family emergency plan should include emergency phone numbers, including an out-of-state contact: npm
Have a battery-powered radio to listen for updates in an emergency. Don't have one? Your car radio is a battery-powered radio npm ;)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

remember9/11 Are we more prepared now? Commit to do one thing today to prepare your family. godblessamerica

Saturday, September 10, 2011

It's day 3 of @utahstatefair. Find us, sign up for the @utahshakeout. Start getting prepared AND spin the prize wheel

Friday, September 09, 2011

RT @canyonsdave 9-11 Healing Field, Sandy, Utah--never, never forget:

Thursday, September 08, 2011

We'll be at the fair through Monday. Learn why you should prepare here and here
Media, if you missed the presser today, you can still come see the Big Shaker and what an large earthquake feels like @utahstatefair
Thanks to our partners: @zionsbank @rmp_utah @saltlakechamber
Our displays at @utahstatefair help you learn about food storage, disaster prep, @utahcert @utahcitizencorps @utahdisaster
Lt. Gov Bell: Too few homes are prepared for earthquakes.
To our media friends in utah Press conference at @utahstatefair at 10 am with Lt. Gov in earthquake simulator
At the @utahstatefair today, showing off the Big Shaker, mobile earthquake simulator, to @ktvx
Utah: Preparedness Now:

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Also stop by and register for the Great Utah ShakeOut at for a spin of the prize wheel.
Who's ready for @utahstatefair? It starts tomorrow. Look for us on @ktvx, w/ a mobile earthquake simulator
Visit us at @utstatefair for preparedness info. Tag Be Ready Utah in your facebook check-in for a free spin on the prize wheel
Tomorrow, come find us during @utahstatefair at SE corner of @utstatefairpark. Earthquake simulator and sign up for @utahshakeout Lots to do

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

It's National Preparedness Month. What are you doing to prepare? npm bereadyutah

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Just a reminder: Our new preparedness guide is INSIDE your Hometown Values magazine this week. Please share/retweet.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Look for our 16-page guide to personal preparedness in Hometown Values this week. Also online here:
We can help you atart preparing for an earthquake. Check out

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Following DHS Secretary Napolitano is @FEMA administrator @craigatfema (via @bereadyryan) Our preparedness info?
Today, @bereadyryan attending nation's first public/private sector conference. Private sector is critical in disaster response/recovery.

Monday, August 01, 2011

Speaking of earthquake prep, do you have enough water (1 gallon per person per day) for each member of your family for three days? A week?
Have you talked to your boss or company's risk manager about joining @UtahShakeOut yet? It's Utah's largest earthquake drill April 17, 2012

Friday, July 08, 2011

That link would actually be to help @UtahRedCross win $250,000. Sorry.
Just voted to help @UtahRedCross win $250,000. You can, too. Vote today!

Thursday, July 07, 2011

Earthquake Lady on @x96 We're simulating a major earthquake on April 17, 2012. Follow @UtahShakeOut and see
Earthquake Lady on @x96 The triangle of life is a myth. Please drop, cover and hold on during an earthquake
Earthquake Lady on @X96 First step to getting prepared: get your family together to talk about a plan, figure out a meeting place.
Want more earthquake info? Listen to @x96 right now and then go to Then, sign up for the Great Utah ShakeOut.
check out @x96 right now to hear earthquake Lady, Maralin Hoff. Lots to learn, guys.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

What are you best earthquake or other preparedness tips/stories? Send them to

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Heading to @deseretnews with @bereadyryan to talk about @UtahShakeOut Have you signed up?
Big shout out to all of the CERT volunteers in CacheCounty How to get involved in your city: utflood

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Right now @bereadyryan is about to present to CSEPP National Workshop on government working with the private sector.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Private sector tip from @FEMA Assess your org�s severe weather continuity program with the Continuity Assistance Tool.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

You can get prepared in less than three hours:

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

If you want to prepare for utflood visit and follow @utahemergency for updates.

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Lots of utflood preparedness and awareness links at our website:

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Have you registered for @utahshakeout yet? largest earthquake drill in Utah history:

Monday, May 23, 2011

Here's a @FEMA Private Sector Tip: Teachers and students can learn about �Tornado Alley� and the science of tornadoes using
Good morning, utah. Have you registered for the Great Utah ShakeOut? And then please follow @UtahShakeOut

Thursday, May 19, 2011

RT @utahshakeout Welcome Provo School District. Utah Shakeout now at 20,069 participants. Just 679,931 to go!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Remember to be safe around utflood waters; they were snow not long ago. Very cold.

Friday, May 06, 2011

what to do before, during and after a flood, check out for that info @bereadyryan says.
if you fall in a river fed by snowmelt, you have about two minutes to get out, McInerney says. utflood
double the snow, double the water, going to come out of mountains in half the time, Mcinerney says. utflood
Make a plan, be informed, get a kit, check your insurance, says @governorherbert. we can't stop floods from happening.
press conf right now: @governorherbert says Utahns, especially chldren, need to be aware of flood danger.
Any second, @governorherbert to talk about utflood prep. See for more info.

Thursday, May 05, 2011

You can now register to participate in the Great Utah ShakeOut, Utah's largest earthquake drill:

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Your utflood preparedness tips are at and will tell you what flood damage could cost
Utah's planning a shakeout in April 2012. Sign up at to be notified when registration opens @CentUS_ShakeOut

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Way to use lessons learned. RT @arikkavon @MurraycityUT utflood preps

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

RT @femaregion8: Small town of Gunlock has big success with mitigation
RT @femaregion8: Small town of Gunlock has big success with mitigation

Monday, April 25, 2011

Follow us on foursquare to find out where to get emergency supplies: Eimail your tips to
We're almost four whole months through the year. Resolution fell through? Resolve to be ready in 2011:

Sunday, April 24, 2011

@Kelli_OHara Good luck with the move, Kelli. Check out for NC emergency prep info. not sure if they're on twitter.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

5,000 still without power from today's storm. How would YOU survive an extended power outage? Prepare now:
wacoflood lesson for municipal finance: Have money in reserve. @FEMA grant helps with 75 percent of eligible costs. City has to do rest.
wacoflood lesson learned for emergency managers: Have damages documented, pics, maps, cost estimates, locations ID'd
wacoflood lesson learned: Social media was one of best resources. one person was always dedicated to smem
wacoflood lesson learned: Better communincation needed between @sgcitypubsafety and @washeriff It's happening now.
wacoflood lesson learned: make sure you have appropriate insurance. BTW, flood policies are separate and have a 30-day wait time.
Listening to lessons learned from December's wacoflood Prepare before a flood event. got contractors on scene earlier than in 2005 utah.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

We're still collecting preparedness stories for our new website. Did your utflood prep pay off? Let us know. Email:

Monday, April 18, 2011

What about survival gear? Where do YOU get it? Let us know and we'll feature it on our foursquare page: Thanks!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Also, here's the latest 4-minute weather briefing from Brian McInerney. Rain expected:
utflood watch for Little Bear and Blacksmith Fork in Cache, & poss. Emigration Creek, in slco.
Just found out @kslcom has created a utflood tracker. Definitely worth checking out:

Friday, April 15, 2011

If you have a flood insurance policy, can you shoot us a quick reply? I have a quick question for you. utflood

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Tell us your preparedness stories & you could be featured on our soon-to-be redesigned site. Reply or contact us here

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

We want to know when preparedness has worked for you and when it could have worked for you. Contact us here: Utah
See this website? We're redesigning it. We need your help.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

First tip was to add @shelfreliance to our @foursquare page. Done. Who's next? Where do you get ready for an emergency, Utah?
We're launching a Foursquare page! Let us know where you buy your earthquakeprep utflood or emergency supplies and we'll list them utah

Monday, April 11, 2011

Do you hold emergency drills? Duck, cover and hold on earthquakeprep

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Last day of earthquakeprep week in utah. That doesn't mean we're going to stop pushing you to get ready. Utah is earthquake country.

Friday, April 08, 2011

Earthquake preparedness week is ending soon. Today, use ready or earthquakeprep to tell us what you're doing to be prepared Utah

Thursday, April 07, 2011

You know, the worst-case scenario for a utah earthquake is having one during utahsnow in January. earthquakeprep week
welcome back, utahsnow I didn't think we'd seen the last of you. Be safe out there. Slow down.
If utflood starts, our emergency-related tweets will come from the Utah Division of Homeland Security's @utahemergency account smem
SLC keeping close eye on potential spring utflood Info from @SLCMayorsOffice
Small stream utflood advisory for parts of Box Elder, Weber, Davis, Morgan counties
Japan hit by 7.4 quake triggering a tsunami warning. Another earthquakeprep reminder utah
Japan hit by 7.4 quake triggering a tsunami warning. Another#earthquakeprep reminder utah

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

utflood safety tips at
Did you know... Utah has 8 earthquakes a year of magnitude 3 or higher? One a year of mag 4 or higher?
Half of Utah's damaging quakes since 1850 were in central & southwestern Utah. earthquakeprep week.
Thanks to @saltlakechamber for letting us talk earthquakeprep for business in Utah

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Does your business have an emergency plan and kits for employees, and do you practice?
One of the best resources for earthquakeprep week: "Putting Down Roots in Earthquake Country"
Look around. If an earthquake hit right now, where would you go? Look for a sturdy table. Duck, cover and hold on

Monday, April 04, 2011

Hey! @governorherbert declared this earthquakeprep week in Utah. What can you do today to get prepared?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Thanks to @ktvx for talking to us about emergency prep in utah Tony's tip: You need one gallon of water per person per day.
Tony's tip on @ktvx this a.m.: feel free to add candy bars to your 72-hour kit, but don't forget to rotate your food. earthquake
Then, of course, we would urge you to head to our website, to make a plan, get a kit, be informed and get involved utah
Check out @ktvx ABC 4 at 6:20 and 6:40 a.m. to hear how you can prepare for an earthquake or other emergency Utah

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Watch our home hazard hunt for earthquake prep with @kslcom Video: Story:

Friday, March 18, 2011

Regular homeowner's insurance doesn't cover flood damage. floodsafety week. Check out

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Floods cause about $7 billion in damage in the US each year. It's floodsafety week:

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

This week: @governorherbert has declared floodsafety awareness week,
Japanese radiation is not expected to reach Utah But here's where you can get more info:

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Thanks to @fox13now for letting us talk preparedness. find out more info, as always, here:
Want to know what you should include in your emergency kit? Watch Fox 13 at 8:45 a.m. today to find out:

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Natural hazards all around us. Best to be informed: ready

Monday, March 07, 2011

follow @utahdot for the latest info on road closures from utahsnow
just now on @kslcom radio "no freeway speeds anywhere in the valley" utahsnow
Snow storm in Salt Lake right now. Slowdowns everywhere. Keep it slow to arrive alive.

Thursday, March 03, 2011

How do you prepare for a neighborhood emergency? Try CERT or Citizen Corps:

Monday, February 28, 2011

Free @FEMA webinar, 3/1 at 2 pm EST. Ideas for your organization to prepare communities for an emergency
Understand security threats online. Do you secure the info on your home and work computers?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Utah's emergency response team training today for major earthquake that could hit slc How are you preparing? use ready to let us know.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Families can become more fire-safe: H/t @FEMA and

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thinking earthquake safety today. Download our guide:

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Planning an emergency kit for yourself and your family? Don't forget about your pets. Check out our planning tool:

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Welcome to the Salt Lake County EOC to the State Hazard Mitigation Team! Thanks for being here.
Can't wait! Just heard NWS in SLC has approval for twitter and fb accounts. Will start the RTs as soon as an account comes online.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Tip from @FEMA Businesses can download and use the FEMA Toolkit for State Earthquake programs.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Anyone at the weber state game can get an item for a 72-hour kit by tweeting beready and showing the tweet to our staff by the doors.
Just two hours until game time @weberstate Don't forget to tweet for @bereadyutah to get a prize for your 72hour kit.
Same for Foursquare or fb users: check in at Dee Events Center and shout "Be Ready Utah." we'll add to your 72hourkit Thx @weberstate.
Come to our table before the @weberstate game or during the first half, show your tweet, claim your prize.
Get a prize for your 72hourkit at the @weberstate game today by tweeting a pic of our bee mascot with the hashtag beready
Type your ping here ..Same for Foursquare or fb users: check in at Dee Events Center and shout "Be Ready Utah." we'll add 2 your 72hr kit
Come to our table before the @weberstate game or during the first half, show your tweet, claim your prize.
Get a prize for your 72hourkit at the @weberstate game today by tweeting a pic of our bee mascot with the hashtag beready

Friday, January 28, 2011

Just stop by our staff table, show tweet, claim your prize. Same for foursquare users, check in @ Dee Events Center, shout "Be Ready Utah."
Get a prize for your 72hourkit at the @weberstate game tomorrow by tweeting a pic of our bee mascot with the hashtag beready

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Going to the WeberState game on Saturday? Get your preparedness on with @bereadyutah at Dee Events Center at 7. Look for our bee mascot.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

News release: @governorherbert requests disaster declaration for wacoflood from @barackobama:

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Private sector tip from @FEMA Sign up for Earthquake Mitigation and Safety for Schools Webinar:
Private sector tip from @FEMA Sign up for Earthquake Mitigation and Safety for Schools Webinar:

Friday, January 14, 2011

Did you know... Utah is seen as a leader in coordinating preparedness with the private sector?

Thursday, January 13, 2011

It's not just the water that can do damage, but the erosion the floodwaters cause: wacoflood
You can still be flooded w/out being in a flood plain, Flood insurance recommended: wacoflood

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

rt @UT_MIT Joint @FEMA State Disaster Assessment Team in St. George looking at flooding damage. wacoflood
RT @ReadyOC How many fire extinguishers does your home need? That depends:
Very appropriate RT @susanmthomas Spending 1st anniversary of Haiti quake planning to manage donations & volunteers in a Utah disaster
If a weeklong power outage were to strike tomorrow, how would you get by? Some tips:

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Thanks to @ksl_alexcabrero for helping BeReadyUtah share preparedness. What kind of phone do you have?
RT @UtahEmergency The @fema damage assessment will help @governorherbert decide whether to request federal aid for recovery from wacoflood
RT @UtahEmergency news release Utah requests @fema team to assess flooding damage wacoflood
RT @SLCoEmerMngt If your car was left outside overnight, make sure your windows are clear of ice and frost before you head to work.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

RT @joelevi Week 1/52 of your food storage prep: Chunk Light Tuna in Water (1 per person) is one option:

Monday, January 03, 2011

Private sector tip from @FEMA Review online winter storm resources and share them with your organization:
The inauguration ceremony for Gov. Gary Herbert has begun. You can watch the live stream on
Today's earthquake near Circleville is a good reminder to prepare. Check out for tips to make a plan and get a kit.