How many Utahns participated in 2012?


How many are in for 2013?


Saturday, December 31, 2011

It’s almost the New Year! Don’t drop the ball, Resolve to be Ready in 2012 ImPrepared

Friday, December 30, 2011

There's one more day left in the year. What have you resolved? Resolve to be ready for disaster in 2012
Resolve to buy 2 or 3 canned goods when they’re on sale. Slowly stock up your food storage w/out breaking your budget ImPrepared
MAKE A PLAN: Time with family & friends is great during holidays. Resolve to let them know if they’re part of your emergency contact list
What items in your home use batteries? Resolve to start a list of those items, along with the number//type of batteries required

Thursday, December 29, 2011

GET A KIT: Resolve to include copies of important documents (SS cards, medical cards, etc.) in a watertight bag, ImPrepared
BE INFORMED: Have an electric garage door opener? Resolve to learn how to operate it in case your power goes out
GET A KIT: Resolve in 2012 to keep cash in your emergency kit. ATMs may not work in a disaster ImPrepared
MAKE A PLAN: Resolve to help your office get prepared. Start by going to ImPrepared
Four steps to a happy and safe new year (via @slcpd)
GET INVOLVED: Resolve to register for the Great @UtahShakeOut We'd do it for you but we don't know your name.
VIDEO: What if disaster turns your world upside down? resolve to be ready in 2012 ImPrepared
GET INVOLVED: Did you resolve to get preparedness training in the New Year? Find out how at @utcitizencorps ImPrepared

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

BE INFORMED: Water emergencies can cause damage when H2O freezes in pipes. Resolve to learn how to shut off water valves
GET A KIT: Resolve to set aside a little $$ each week for family emergency supplies, a little money goesa long way! ImPrepared
Also, use ImPrepared to tell us what you're doing in your Resolve to be ready for disaster in 2012
MAKE A PLAN: If you do, you’ll be able to respond with less stress or worry during an
emergency. Resolve to Be Ready in 2012 ImPrepared
GET INVOLVED: It's not too late to resolve to be ready. How will you prepare for disaster in 2012? ImPrepared
Working on what to resolve in 2012? Resolve to be ready ImPrepared

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas! Share the preparedness items you got this year. Send pics for our photo gallery to whatsinyourkit
Merry Christmas! Hope Santa brought you lots of preparedness. If not, you can return the socks/get something for your kit whatsinyourkit

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Share your favorite preparedness item you get this year. We'll set up a photo gallery of your pics whatsinyourkit

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Commuters, now that you've had a few minutes to think about whatsinyourkit Carry extra water, cash and a mylar blanket. @RideUTA
Attention commuters! What if you get stranded at work and have to walk home when mass transit is down? whatsinyourkit Answer in 5
GET INVOLVED: Do one thing today, anything, that will help you prepare. Then share on FB or Twitter or by emailing at
RT @UtahShakeOut Also @herrimancity @drapercity @midvalecity have signed up at Is your city on the list? 4/17/12
BE INFORMED: Do you know what conditions are like outside? Follow @NWSSaltLakeCity and @udottraffic as well as your favorite media outlet.
So, apparently Christmas is creeping up on us. Our last-minute gift ideas: utility tool, LED headlamp. More later.
GET A KIT: Commuters, now that you've had a few minutes to think about whatsinyourkit Carry extra water, cash and a mylar blanket.
GET A KIT: Attention commuters! What if you get stranded at work and have to walk home when mass transit is down? whatsinyourkit

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

RT Also participating in the 4/17/12 shakeout is @Walgreens in Draper @RideUTA and 951 families. Are you in?
MAKE A PLAN: Download our Guide to Personal and Family Preparedness It's good.
GET INVOLVED: Christmas gift idea No. 3: Hand-crank or battery-powered radios
BE INFORMED: If you're driving in winter conditions, Slow down, Allow extra braking distance, Don't tailgate, Give @utahdot plows room
RT @utahshakeout: More than 400,000 Utahns will drop/cover/hold on during the 4/17/12 shakeout, including @UDOTTRAFFIC & @eBay Draper
GET A KIT: Create your family's emergency kit with specific needs in mind: Watar and food for pets? Dietary needs for Grandma? Medicine?
MAKE A PLAN: Keeping food safe in an emergency More tips at

Monday, December 19, 2011

GET INVOLVED: Christmas gift idea No. 2: Fire extinguishers and/or smoke/CO2 detectors
BE INFORMED: Monitor driving conditions before you head out or with the @utahDOT UDOT Traffic app.
GET A KIT: Tell us whatsinyourkit. Here's an idea: Coloring books or favorite toys for children.
MAKE A PLAN: Picnic coolers and frozen gel packs are great for keeping food cold if the power goes out for an extended period of time.
GET INVOLVED: Holiday tip: cook up some hot chocolate and some scones, or whatever, and plan with your neighbors to take a @utahcert course

Thursday, December 15, 2011

BE INFORMED: Frostbite symptoms = a loss of feeling + a white or pale appearance in extremities. Get help immediately.
GET A KIT: Tell us whatsinyourkit. Mine? Waterproof matches.
MAKE A PLAN: If you have to travel in winter weather, leave early and let someone know your itinerary. But best avoid that travel.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

GET INVOLVED: Maybe your Christmas gifts to neighbors could be preparedness products: a whistle, a flashlight w/ batteries, etc.
BE INFORMED: Winter is just ramping up. 70 percent of fatalities related to ice and snow happen in automobiles. utwx Be safe.
GET A KIT: Tell us whatsinyourkit. Mine? Tylenol or other pain reducer. An earthquake causes serious headaches.

Monday, December 12, 2011

MAKE A PLAN: Emergency plans aren't just for families, but for businesses, schools, communities and government. Plan now to survive.
GET A KIT: Tell us whatsinyourkit. Mine? Hand sanitizer in case there's no water for handwashing
MAKE A PLAN: If you don't have earthquake insurance, it's something to think about. Your standard insurance doesn't cover EQ damage.

Thursday, December 08, 2011

rt @UtahShakeOut Aren't there 300,000 more Utahns who will do an earthquake drill with us 4/17/12? Sign up at
Are you signed up? Just saw @parkcityschools and @usuartmuseum are part of the 407,000 Utahns in April's Great @UtahShakeOut

Sunday, December 04, 2011

Please look out for your neighbors who don't have electricity tonight. utwind Remember not to bring combustibles into your home.

Friday, December 02, 2011

MAKE A PLAN: Yesterday's utwind is a good reminder to prepare for power outages. Tip 1: Flashlights and batteries. More: