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How many are in for 2013?


Thursday, May 06, 2010

Family Pets need 72-Hour Kits.

1. Food, water, bowls, litter box, medicine, first aid supplies and health records for each pet.
2. Leashes, licenses, and pet carriers for each pet.
3. Identify some pet-friendly places to stay with in a 50- mile radius. Keep your pet with you if at all possible during a disaster.

Pet First Aid Kit

1. Anti-Diarrheal such as Pepto-Bismol (1/2 tab or 2 tsp for 15 lbs in dogs, 1/4 tab or 1 tsp for 15 lbs cat.)
2. Antibiotic ointment such as neosporin or triple antibiotic.
3. Antibiotic eye ointment.
4. Sterile saline eyewash.
5. Disinfectant surgical scrub and solutions.
6. Cotton tipped swabs.
7. Gauze squares.
8. Gauze Roll (Kling type).
9. Non-adherent sterile dressing.
10. Bandage scissors.
11. Latex Gloves.
12. Sterile lubricant.
13. Vet wrap.
14. Large padded bandages or sanitary napkins.
15.Clean rags, towels, and sheets.
16. Syringes of several sizes.
17. Thermometer.
18. Tweezers, and/or mosquito hemostats.
19. Mineral Oil.
20. Pet appropriate pain medications.

Large Animal Care.

Horses, companion and production livestock should not be turned loose or locked in a barn during an emergency. A large fenced area is the best way to protect your animals in a disaster involving extreme weather events.

- Always have a week's supply of food on hand and covered. Maintain a contact list for alternate suppliers.
- Have an emergency source of water at hand or near by in the event that services are temporarily disrupted. Membership in growers or producers organization that can provide assistance in an emergency will reduce losses.
- Have transportation to evacuate. Remember that borrowing from a neighbor may not be feasible. When possible, move stock out of flood or fire zones in advance; provide extra feed in severe weather events.
- Have current health/vaccination records, proof of ownership and brand or microchip identification. Know your brand inspectors and extension agents.
- Always keep a first aid kit in your truck or trailer.

The above information is also found in our Guide to Personal and Family Preparedness.

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