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Thursday, May 27, 2010


1. Keep food in a dry, cool, dark location.
2. Open food boxes and other re-sealable containers carefully so that you can close them tightly after each use.
3. Empty open packages of sugar, dried fruits, and nuts into screw-top jars or airtight canisters for protection from pests.
4. Inspect all food for signs of spoilage before use.
5. Throw out canned goods that become swollen, dented, or corroded.
6. Use foods before they go bad, and replace them with fresh supplies, dated with ink or marker. Place new items at the back of the storage area.

Store at least a three-day supply of non-perishable foods that require no refrigeration, preparation or cooking. Choose foods that your family will eat. Avoid salty foods because they make you thirsty and water may be in short supply. Be sure to include a manual can opener and eating utensils. Here is a list of suggested food items:
- Ready-to-eat canned meets, fruits and vegetables
- Protein and fruit bars.
- Dry cereal and granola
- Peanut Butter
- Canned Juices
- Dried Fruit
- Nuts
- Crackers
- Non-perishable pasteurized milk
- Vitamins
- Food for infants or others, requiring special diets
- Comfort/stress foods

Rotate these foods into your daily menus and replace with new stock. Follow the "Best used by..." dates on cans and packaging when rotating your foods and remember to replace items that you use.


If activity is reduced, healthy people can survive on half their usual food intake for an extended period and without any food for many days. Food, unlike water, may be rationed safely, except for children and pregnant women.

Information found in the BRU Guide to Family Preparedness Handout.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Water in an Emergency Continued.

Water should be stored for times when the water supply is disrupted or contaminated. One gallon per person, per day, for a minimum of two weeks is recommended. Water does not need to be disinfected before it's stored if it comes from a good, pretreated source. Commercially filled bottles should be used before the "best if used by" date expires. If you fill your own containers, use the following guidelines:
- Use only food-grade containers.
- Avoid plastic containers that are not embossed with the "PETE" symbol.
- Do not sue plastic milk jugs. They do not have a good seal and can become brittle.
- Never use containers that were previously used to store non-food products.
- Wash containers with warm soapy water and rinse. Before rinsing, sanitize the container by adding water and then 1 tablespoon bleach for each gallon of water. Shake well, turn bottle upside down and let stand for 1 minute, then pour out the bleach water and let the container air-dry. Fill with tap water.
- Rotate your water by periodically emptying and refilling containers.
- Store containers in a dry, clean place, away from direct sunlight and heat sources.
- If there is a concrete floor, place containers on top of a piece of wood/plywood that has been placed on the floor.

Information found in the BRU Guide to Family Preparedness hand-out.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Use only water that has been properly disinfected for drinking, cooking, making any prepared drink, or for brushing teeth.

If the water is cloudy, filter it through clean cloths or allow it to settle, and draw off the clear water before using ONE of the following methods to disinfect the water:
- Boil at a rolling boil for 5 minutes.
- Add Eight drops of liquid chlorine bleach per gallon of water. Let sit 30 minutes.
- Add 20 drops of 2% iodine per gallon of clear water or 40 drops per gallon of cloudy water. Let sit 30 minutes.
- Add water purification tablets according to directions on the package.
- Always use clean or purified water to wash any parts of the body that have come in contact with surfaces contaminated by flood waters.

Information found in the BRU Guide to Personal and Family Preparedness hand-out.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What to do in a Power Outage

Check fuses and circuit breakers. If the power failure is not caused inside the home or business, customers should report the outage to their electric service provider.

Try not to open refrigerators and freezers -- they will keep food and perishables inside cold for a longer period of time if not opened. Your full freezer should keep food frozen and safe to eat for about two days when kept closed during the outage.

In cold months - put blankets and towels around windows and doors to help keep the heat in.

Never use kerosene or propane heaters inside without proper ventilation. They create dangerous fumes. Also, don't ever use charcoal in your house or garage.

Stay far away from all downed power lines and utility lines. Even if the lines are not sparking, they could still be electrified and extremely dangerous. Keep everyone, including pets, out of the area and report the downed line immediately by calling 911 or the local electric service provider. Never touch a person or object that is touching a power line and never drive over downed power lines.

Make sure generators are properly wired for your home or business. Don't plug a generator into an outlet, and do not connect it directly to your home's fuse box or circuit panel. The generator must be connected through an approved transfer switch that will isolate your house from the electric utility's system. The switch must comply with the National Electric Code and local building codes. These include permits, inspection and installation by a licensed electrician. Always properly ventilate a portable generator. Gasoline powered generators produce carbon monoxide and the fumes can be deadly. Make sure that the total electric load on your generator won't exceed the generator's rating.

If a power line falls across your vehicle while you are in it, stay inside and wait for emergency personnel to cut the power. Warn others to stay away from the vehicle. If your car is on fire and you must exit, Jump - with both feet together - as far from the car as possible. Do not touch the car and the ground at the same time! Land with both feet still together and hop with both feet touching until you are a safe distance away (at least 30 feet).

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Natural Gas in an Emergency: How Can You Prepare Your Home for a Disaster?

Secure your water heater. One of the most common types of earthquake damage is broken gas and water lines resulting from unsecured water heaters. A full water heater is very heavy and, if unsecured, can move during an earthquake. If it moves too far or falls over, it is likely to break both water and gas lines. It is recommended that water heaters be secured to the floor or wall to prevent such damage and to preserve the water it contains. Having a supply of clean drinking water is very important during an emergency, and your water heater can be a good sources.

To secure your water heater, you can call a contractor or do it yourself. Know how and when to turn off your Natural Gas meter. If may not be necessary to turn off your natural gas meter following an earthquake. In fact, since natural gas meters should be turned back on only by qualified persons, customers turning them off unnecessarily may end up having to wait extended periods of time for gas to be restored.

When Should You Turn Off Your Gas Meter?

- There is structural damage to your home.
- You smell Natural Gas.
- You hear gas leaking.
- There is a fire.
*** Do not shut off the gas if doing so jeopardizes your safety.

The meter shut-off valve is located next to the meter. Use a wrench to turn the valve a quarter turn in either direction to the "off" position shown in the illusion. If you turn the meter off, do not attempt to turn it back on yourself.

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Family Pets need 72-Hour Kits.

1. Food, water, bowls, litter box, medicine, first aid supplies and health records for each pet.
2. Leashes, licenses, and pet carriers for each pet.
3. Identify some pet-friendly places to stay with in a 50- mile radius. Keep your pet with you if at all possible during a disaster.

Pet First Aid Kit

1. Anti-Diarrheal such as Pepto-Bismol (1/2 tab or 2 tsp for 15 lbs in dogs, 1/4 tab or 1 tsp for 15 lbs cat.)
2. Antibiotic ointment such as neosporin or triple antibiotic.
3. Antibiotic eye ointment.
4. Sterile saline eyewash.
5. Disinfectant surgical scrub and solutions.
6. Cotton tipped swabs.
7. Gauze squares.
8. Gauze Roll (Kling type).
9. Non-adherent sterile dressing.
10. Bandage scissors.
11. Latex Gloves.
12. Sterile lubricant.
13. Vet wrap.
14. Large padded bandages or sanitary napkins.
15.Clean rags, towels, and sheets.
16. Syringes of several sizes.
17. Thermometer.
18. Tweezers, and/or mosquito hemostats.
19. Mineral Oil.
20. Pet appropriate pain medications.

Large Animal Care.

Horses, companion and production livestock should not be turned loose or locked in a barn during an emergency. A large fenced area is the best way to protect your animals in a disaster involving extreme weather events.

- Always have a week's supply of food on hand and covered. Maintain a contact list for alternate suppliers.
- Have an emergency source of water at hand or near by in the event that services are temporarily disrupted. Membership in growers or producers organization that can provide assistance in an emergency will reduce losses.
- Have transportation to evacuate. Remember that borrowing from a neighbor may not be feasible. When possible, move stock out of flood or fire zones in advance; provide extra feed in severe weather events.
- Have current health/vaccination records, proof of ownership and brand or microchip identification. Know your brand inspectors and extension agents.
- Always keep a first aid kit in your truck or trailer.

The above information is also found in our Guide to Personal and Family Preparedness.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Guidelines for People with Disabilities and Special Needs

If you have physical limitations you can still protect yourself. Seniors and those with disabilities should take the following steps:

- Decide what you will be able to do for yourself and what assistance you may need before, during, and after a disaster.

- Create a support network of family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers who could assist you with evacuation plans and medical information. Ask them to check on you following a disaster.

- Make an information list that includes those who should be notified if you are injured.

- Compile medical information with names and numbers of doctors, medication and dosage, allergies, and any existing conditions.

The above information is found in our Guide to Personal and Family Preparedness handout.

- Plan ahead with your home health care agency for emergency procedures.

Utah Special Needs Registry

This service allows individuals with special needs to provide information about their situations to emergency response agencies.The information is used to help agencies improve their capability to respond to a disaster and to serve special needs populations. Only emergency response agencies have access to the information that is collected by the Utah Special Needs Registry. To learn more, visit:
Dial 2-1-1 on your phone or Relay users call 1-888-826-9790