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Thursday, April 08, 2010


You must secure the contents of
your home or office to reduce
hazards. You should secure
anything heavy enough to hurt
you if it falls on you. Here are
steps you should take to secure
your possessions.

Secure Tabletop Objects

TVs, stereos, computers, lamps and
chinaware can be secured with buckles and
safety straps attached to the tabletop (which
allows for easy movement of the units when
needed) or with hook and loop fasteners
glued to both the table and the unit.

Glass and pottery objects can be secured
with nondrying putty or microcrystalline

Secure Items in Your Kitchen

Use child-proof latches, hook and eye
latches or positive catch latches, designed
for boats, to secure your cabinet doors.

Make sure your gas appliances have
flexible connectors to reduce the risk of fire.

Secure your refrigerator to prevent

Anchor Your Furniture

Secure the tops of all top-heavy furniture
such as bookcases and file cabinets to the
wall. Be sure to anchor to the stud, not just
to the plasterboard. Flexible fasteners such
as nylon straps allow tall objects to sway
without falling over, reducing the strain on
the studs.

Protect Yourself from Broken Glass

Replace your windows with ones made
from safety glass or cover them with a
strong shatter-resistant film. Be sure you use
safety film and not just a solar filter.

Secure Overhead Objects

Ceiling lights and fans should be
additionally supported with a cable bolted to
the ceiling joist. The cable should have
enough slack to allow it to sway.

Framed pictures, especially glass-covered,
should be hung from closed hooks so that
they can't bounce off. Only soft art such as
tapestries should be placed over beds and

This information is from the Utah Seismic Safety Commission and is found on our website HERE.

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