How many Utahns participated in 2012?


How many are in for 2013?


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

BE INFORMED: If you haven't signed up for the Great @UtahShakeOut, what are you waiting for?
GET A KIT: Tell us whatsinyourkit. Mine? Skittles for morale.
MAKE A PLAN: You remember that Drop, Cover and Hold on is still the best practice in an earthquake, right?

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Since you're not going to be looking here tomorrow, we'll take this opportunity to say we're thankful we've had time to prepare for disaster

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

GET INVOLVED: Check out the courses offered by @utahredcross Youth and adult classes available!
BE INFORMED: I'm pretty sure flu season is approaching. Take steps to prepare your family, school or business from spreading germs.

Monday, November 21, 2011

GET A KIT: Tell us whatsinyourkit Mine? Mouthwash in case there isn't water for brushing teeth.
MAKE A PLAN: For businesses - We offer a 12-point program to help keep your doors open after an emergency. @saltlakechamber
GET INVOLVED: There are @utahcert programs all over the state. Call your local fire department to see if there's one in your community.
BE INFORMED: Your food storage won't last forever. Make sure that you rotate your food storage into your diet and replace what you eat.
GET A KIT: Tell us whatsinyourkit Mine? Beef jerky...Teriyaki beef jerky (Homer Simpson drool sound: Grahhhhhhhggggg)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

MAKE A PLAN: Keep your gas tank at half or higher. I know it sounds annoying, but statistics show you can drive farther on a full tank.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

GET INVOLVED: Ever considered volunteering at your local police dept? VIPS may be right for you @utcitizencorps
BE INFORMED: Make sure you're following @UtahShakeOut to see who's joined the state's largest earthquake drill ever. Are you signed up?
Now with 396,425 participants in April's Great @UtahShakeOut, thanks to @Sephora (Salt Lake) and @Walgreens (Provo and SSprings)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

GET A KIT: A Swiss Army knife. Like MacGyver. Just like him. whatsinyourkit
MAKE A PLAN: Who is your out-of-state contact? Family members can call to report they're safe.
GET INVOLVED: Don't miss out on excellent @utahcert training in your community to help your neighbors in an emergency.
BE INFORMED: We prepared daily for earthquakes, but you need to prepare for this winter season, too
GET A KIT: Enough water for three days whatsinyourkit

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Also, Utahns can sign up for the Great @UtahShakeOut and practice emergency prep as a state on 4/17/12 see
Even the small utquake near Orangeville is a reminder that utah is earthquake country. Learn how to prepare at
Remember, today at noon is the first nationwide EAS test. You might miss 30 seconds of TV or radio today.

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Just a reminder: tomorrow at noon MST is the first nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System from @fema. Don't stress. It's just a test.

Saturday, November 05, 2011

An 4.7 magnitude earthquake in oklahoma this morning. Be prepared. Tips: okquake

Friday, November 04, 2011

GET A KIT: Tell us whatsinyourkit for when there's no electricity: Me? A hand-crank flashlight.
Let's reach 700,000! RT @utahshakeout Join the 394,000 Utahns who will drop, cover and hold on 4/17/12 shakeout
Make sure to follow @utahshakeout to see who is participating in next year's shakeout on 4/17/12. Are you signed up?
MAKE A PLAN: Only 14 percent of homeowners in Utah have earthquake insurance. That statistic makes me want to cry.

Thursday, November 03, 2011

To be clear, the first national EAS test is 2 p.m. EASTERN on Nov. 9. You'll hear/see it on radio, TV and cable.
If you haven't heard yet, @FEMA will do the first-ever nationwide test of the emergency alert system on Nov. 9 at 2 p.m. Eastern.