How many Utahns participated in 2012?


How many are in for 2013?


Monday, October 31, 2011

Sure, halloween is scary. Want to see something really scary? It's time to prepare. Really.

Friday, October 28, 2011

GET INVOLVED: Don't just do winterprep for yourself. Make sure to tell your kids, tell your wife... And tell your husband.
BE INFORMED: Don't get caught in the cold. See our winterprep news release here:
GET A KIT: For winterprep week, whatsinyourkit How about a manual can opener for all of that canned food?
MAKE A PLAN: In case you forgot, it's still winterprep week. One of your plans should be to follow @NWSSaltLakeCity for weather updates

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

GET INVOLVED: Learn how to help your neighbors in an emergency by joining @utcitizencorps: winterprep
BE INFORMED: During winterprep week, we want you to remember that 70 percent of fatalities that occur in ice or snow happen in vehicles.
GET A KIT: Tell us whatsinyourkit for winterprep week: battery-powered radio with batteries. More ideas here:
MAKE A PLAN: If traveling in winter weather, let someone know your itinerary. More tips here: utwx winterprep
GET INVOLVED: Share the @utahredcross preparedness checklist with your family and neighbors: utwx WinterPrep
In case you missed it, this is Winter Weather Preparedness Week Find out what you can do to prepare. utwx winterprep

Monday, October 24, 2011

BE INFORMED: This is Winter Weather Preparedness Week. It may feel like fall, but don't wait to get ready. utwx

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Great California @ShakeOut is happening now. We can't wait to test Utah's preparedness during our own shakeout 4/17/12

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Tomorrow, 8.5 million Californians will drop/cover/hold on during the @ShakeOut. utah will do the same thing 4/17/12 shakeout

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

GET A KIT: Remember to plan for extra food for your pets in case you have to evacuate. More tips at
GET INVOLVED: Do you have medical training? Medical Reserve Corps may be your chance to volunteer @utcitizencorps
BE INFORMED: Even though we're still thinking about the springtime flooding, it's time to make sure you're prepared for winter weather.
GET A KIT: It's OK to add some comfort food to your emergency kit. What would you add? Me? Starbursts and beef jerky whatsinyourkit
MAKE A PLAN: Sure you've made that emergency plan for your family or business. But have you practiced? Even short drills can teach a lot.

Monday, October 17, 2011

GET INVOLVED: Want to volunteer with local law enforcement? Find a VIPS program. More info here: @utcitizencorps
OK, let's just not have an earthquake. But in case Mother Nature has other ideas, visit to get prepared

Thursday, October 13, 2011

GET INVOLVED: Video link. Utah: Preparedness Now on YouTube and Vimeo if you're into it instead
BE INFORMED: Do you know what to do if you have to evacuate? Lock your home and take your pets with you. More tips here:
GET A KIT: Don't forget first aid for your pet:
MAKE A PLAN: Download a family emergency plan you can fill out has more tips.
GET INVOLVED: Don't forget to sign up for the Great @UtahShakeOut on 4/17/12. Drop, cover, hold on. utah shakeout
BE INFORMED: An earthquake could cause a power outage lasting days, a week or longer. What would that mean for you?

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Is your school/district having an earthquake drill 4/17/11? @graniteschools @jordandistrict @nebodistrict @alpineschools are. @utahshakeout

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Have you secured your water heater to the studs? Find out more tips here:

Monday, October 03, 2011

Utah: Preparedness Now on @Kslcom Watch it on your own and share:
What's in your kit? Think about some comfort food. A copy of the family emergency plan and a hand-crank radio. beready @Kslcom
It's just over 6 months to the Great utahshakeout. @bereadyryan is going on @Kslcom to talk emergency prep in a couple of minutes