How many Utahns participated in 2012?


How many are in for 2013?


Friday, September 30, 2011

National Preparedness Month ends today. But we live and breathe it every day. Tons of tips at NPM11
Are you? MT @utahshakeout: More than 1/2 way to 700,000 Utahns doing earthquake drill 4/17/12! Are you in? NPM11

Thursday, September 29, 2011

GET A KIT: Where are your important documents? Make copies and include one in a waterproof container in your kit NPM11
MAKE A PLAN: Do you have a designated family meeting place? Identify two alternates, as well. NPM11
GET INVOLVED: Learn how to save a life. Emergency Preparedness at Work NPM11
BE INFORMED: Utah is currently working two presidential disaster declarations for flooding: So. Utah in 2010 and everywhere else in 2011
GET A KIT: Generators are expensive, but they can run essential items in your home after a disaster. Something to think about NPM11
MAKE A PLAN: If you or a loved one requires equipment, medication or devices, such as oxygen or a wheelchair, plan for a backup NPM11
GET INVOLVED: Did you know that cash donations are often the best way to help disaster recovery? Donate money and not stuff NPM11
BE INFORMED: An earthquake would be the most devastating disaster in Utah, but floods and fires are more common. Know your risks NPM11
National Preparedness Month ends tomorrow, but your preparedness activities needn't end. Use NPM11 to tell us what you're doing to be ready

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

GET A KIT: Make sure to have a battery-operated or hand-crank radio in your kit. More items can be found: NPM11
MAKE A PLAN: MT @emergium: A plan on the shelf does not make a company prepared. Exercising the plan often does. NPM11
GET INVOLVED: Besides @utahcert, you can join Fire Corps, VIPS, Medical Reserve Corps or USA on Watch. NPM11
BE INFORMED: An earthquake in Utah would be something like this: NPM11
GET A KIT: Don't plan on buying food after an earthquake. Have enough food in your kit to last three days NPM11
MAKE A PLAN: 12 steps to preparedness here: You can do it NPM11
GET INVOLVED: Join the Great @utahshakeout 4/17/12 @ 10:15 am -- The largest earthquake drill in Utah NPM11
@zionsbank Sure thing. Financial preparedness is part of emergency preparedness. We like what you're doing with SWSM
Our advice: Keep some cash at home before a disaster. Follow @zionsbank: Live tweets from the Smart Women, Smart Money Conference swsm
BE INFORMED: An earthquake can knock out power for days, a week or longer. How to plan for extended outages: NPM11

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Glad you did! MT @aquamiratech: Signed up for the @UtahShakeOut We encourage other Utah biz and families to do the same! NPM11 shakeout

Monday, September 26, 2011

GET A KIT: Have an emergency kit at home at work and in your car. You never know where disaster will strike. NPM11
GET INVOLVED: In a disaster, neighbors have to help neighbors. Why not get properly trained now by joining a @utahcert team? NPM11
BE INFORMED: While we wait for the next flood season, this is a good time to consider flood insurance. Check out NPM11
GET A KIT: Don't count on your electric can opener in a disaster. Make sure to have a manual one. More tips at @NPM11

Monday, September 19, 2011

MAKE A PLAN: Install smoke detectors on each level of your home and teach everyone where the fire extinguisher is and how to use it. NPM11
BE INFORMED: In an earthquake Drop, Cover and Hold on is still the best way to protect yourself: More at NPM11
GET INVOLVED: @utahcert is one way, check out your other @utcitizencorps involvement options at NPM11
BE INFORMED: If Utah ever has a major earthquake, expect many aftershocks, some large, some small. NPM11
GET A KIT: Do you have kids? Make sure to include some activities (books, puzzles, games) in your kit. More at NPM11
MAKE A PLAN/GET INVOLVED: Do both by joining the Great @UtahShakeOut 4/17/11 sign up at NPM11
MAKE A PLAN: Part of that is figuring out two escape routes from each room in your home. More at NPM11
Are ye ready? I be preparrred. tlapd npm11 It be National Preparedness Month and Talk Like a Pirate Day

Thursday, September 15, 2011

How have you planned for emergencies for your loved ones with special, access or functional needs? Let us know at npm
Still not feeling motivated to prepare? This video should help you: npm utah
Two @utahcert teams have signed up to shakeout 4/17/12 Get involved in CERT or Citizen Corps:
Good on you! MT @slvhealthdept: 72-hour kit. One at home& work. nonperishable food, h20, blanket, med supply NPM
Make a plan, get a kit, be informed, get involved: It's National Preparedness Month. npm
Your district in this list? Granite, Jordan, San Juan, South Summit, Provo City, Nebo, Tooele County, Alpine will shakeout 4/17/12

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A pet tip for National Preparedness Month: If you have to evacuate, please take your pets. More tips here: npm
For National Preparedness Month, tell us your stories and we'll help others learn here: Together we prepare. npm
It's National Preparedness Month. How have you planned for your pets? They need at least a 72-hour kit, too. npm
Please still have your @hometownvalues magazine from September. Open it up and pull out and keep our new preparedness guide npm
Your family emergency plan should include emergency phone numbers, including an out-of-state contact: npm
Have a battery-powered radio to listen for updates in an emergency. Don't have one? Your car radio is a battery-powered radio npm ;)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

remember9/11 Are we more prepared now? Commit to do one thing today to prepare your family. godblessamerica

Saturday, September 10, 2011

It's day 3 of @utahstatefair. Find us, sign up for the @utahshakeout. Start getting prepared AND spin the prize wheel

Friday, September 09, 2011

RT @canyonsdave 9-11 Healing Field, Sandy, Utah--never, never forget:

Thursday, September 08, 2011

We'll be at the fair through Monday. Learn why you should prepare here and here
Media, if you missed the presser today, you can still come see the Big Shaker and what an large earthquake feels like @utahstatefair
Thanks to our partners: @zionsbank @rmp_utah @saltlakechamber
Our displays at @utahstatefair help you learn about food storage, disaster prep, @utahcert @utahcitizencorps @utahdisaster
Lt. Gov Bell: Too few homes are prepared for earthquakes.
To our media friends in utah Press conference at @utahstatefair at 10 am with Lt. Gov in earthquake simulator
At the @utahstatefair today, showing off the Big Shaker, mobile earthquake simulator, to @ktvx
Utah: Preparedness Now:

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Also stop by and register for the Great Utah ShakeOut at for a spin of the prize wheel.
Who's ready for @utahstatefair? It starts tomorrow. Look for us on @ktvx, w/ a mobile earthquake simulator
Visit us at @utstatefair for preparedness info. Tag Be Ready Utah in your facebook check-in for a free spin on the prize wheel
Tomorrow, come find us during @utahstatefair at SE corner of @utstatefairpark. Earthquake simulator and sign up for @utahshakeout Lots to do

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

It's National Preparedness Month. What are you doing to prepare? npm bereadyutah